Dynamic Foveated Rendering for Redirected Walking in Virtual Reality, ACM SIGGRAPH 2020

Dynamic Foveated Rendering for Redirected Walking in Virtual Reality, ACM SIGGRAPH 2020

ICT lab researcher Yashas Joshi will be presenting our work ” Dynamic Foveated Rendering for Redirected Walking in Virtual Reality” as a poster at SIGGRAPH 2020. The work was co-authored by Yashas Joshi and Charalambos Poullis.

We present a novel redirected walking technique for virtual reality leveraging dynamic foveated rendering and a psychological phenomenon of inattentional blindness. Extensive testing with three user-studies showed that the technique can handle long straight-walks in the virtual environment (maximum recorded = 103.9m, in 4×4 sq.m. physical-space) and works in real-time.